Tuesday, April 02, 2024

A Little Bit Extra [2]: Art Gallery

Patreon Exclusive: Blogger becomes quite emotional about Yoko Ono.

Andrew's Video Blog Part 2: Tate Gallery Excursion


Unknown said...

I am pretty much inspire from the Andrew Rilstone story, because he was a game developer and an influencer at that time of 90's. I have been through on this period because my span of time was short in the gaming industry that's why I have no time for this. Now I am working as a logistics Manager and doing Air Freight and Sea Freight englewood cliffs with my partner due to my financial crisis which being developed in this Corona virus tenure.

Andrew Rilstone said...

That's totally going in my CV: A game developer and an influence at that time of 90s.

Harry said...

Andrew Rilstone's story from the '90s is a fascinating journey that promotes equality and supports diversity. Exploring his narrative provides valuable insights into the cultural landscape of that era and highlights the importance of embracing inclusivity. If you want to know about "explain how inclusive practice promotes equality and supports diversity" This is very informative.

Andrew Rilstone said...

Well, that was funny exactly once, although I am intrigued as to how the AI associated "from the 90s" with my name.

Thomas said...

The AI got that from your Wikipedia article, which doesn't mention anything you did after the '90s.

Gavin Burrows said...

Is this the new house style for mailing comments? OK...

"Me no read Andrew Rilstone blog until Noughties time, but he highly influencer me with words on chosen topics and now experts all agree that why I have highly informative admin job at Council now."

Am I doing it right?